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Leg Vein Treatments

Varicose vein and spider vein removal therapies are extremely common procedures for women and men of all ages. Modern leg vein treatments tend to be minimally-invasive and low risk. Vein laser treatments and sclerotherapy are examples of vein removal treatments that we commonly perform.

There are many reasons that patients consider leg vein treatments. Here we will review the most common reasons that people pursue evaluation for the removal of abnormal veins of their legs and skin throughout the body.

Varicose veins are the larger bulging blue veins that can develop on the legs as we age.  Leg pain, leg swelling, venous skin disorders, and other vein complications such as blood clots and ulcers are the most common symptoms that people with varicose veins develop. People seek out vein specialists in order to perform therapies to resolve these health issues.

Treatment of spider veins, reticular veins, and varicose veins for cosmetic or aesthetic reasons are an even more common reason that patients visit the Vein Treatment Center of Texas. These veins can be removed and faded with venous procedures.

leg vein treatments texas

Cosmetic Vein Treatments

One of the most common reasons that people seek out vein removal treatments is to improve the appearance of their legs and skin. Abnormal spider veins and varicose veins of the legs and skin can be rather unsightly. They can make your legs and body appear older than they really are. Let’s admin it—abnormal veins are displeasing to look at. Nobody likes their legs or skin of any part of their body to look unattractive. Everyone prefers to have their legs and skin appear clear, smooth, and free of any defects. We all want to have nice symmetric legs that are youthful appearing.  All of us want to have beautiful skin that is blemish-free.

cosmetic leg vein treatments austin

It is a natural human desire to want to improve your appearances and make yourself look more youthful. Cosmetic vein procedures help us to accomplish those desires. Last year over 18 million people in the United States underwent cosmetic procedures to improve their appearance. And these numbers are increasing annually. Cosmetic leg vein removal therapies are one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed worldwide.

Minimally-Invasive Vein Treatments

As healthcare advances have accelerated,  vein procedures have become less invasive and now involve much less risk. Invasive surgery is rarely needed except for the most severe cases of varicose veins. And the cosmetic results of vein removal treatments are better than ever. Modern technological advances and improved results have caused a rapid exponential rise in the public’s desire for  vein treatments.

At the Vein Treatment Center of Texas, we consistently achieve excellent clinical results utilizing modern non-invasive vein removal procedures. Our spider vein and varicose vein procedures usually take under 30 minutes to complete and are performed in the comfort of our modern facility.

laser vein treatments

Leg Vein Treatments to Resolve Leg Pain

Leg pain that results from abnormal leg veins is very common. Varicose veins cause leg pain in the majority of people that develop them. Leg symptoms can include aching, cramping, throbbing, heaviness, burning, pressure sensations, and leg fatigue. The symptoms can involve the legs, ankles, and feet. Symptoms can occur anywhere in the legs, not just where the veins are visible. Symptoms tend to be worse in the lower parts of the legs in most patients. Symptoms are often worse during prolonged standing or sitting, although they can occur at any time of the day or night. One leg or both legs can be involved.

Other than pain and discomfort, patients may also exhibit symptoms of chronic itching or restless legs. Since abnormal leg veins will tend to cause abnormal pressure build-up in the skin and around the nerves of the legs, many nerve symptoms can develop in the legs, ankles, or feet. Changes in skin temperature and color often occurs due to the abnormal blood flow to the surface tissues.

The symptoms of leg discomfort tend to progress with time since varicose veins enlarge and worsen with aging. Spider veins and reticular veins can sometimes cause pain as well. Since leg vein treatments can resolve the discomfort and often cure people of varicose vein disease, it is logical that referrals to vein specialists to treat the disease is currently routine practice. The Vein Treatment Center of Texas is the premier Vein Center in Central Texas that focuses on resolving varicose veins and vein related leg pain. The goal of our vein specialists is to restore the health of your legs. We wish for your legs to have a more natural and youthful look and feel.

Leg Vein Treatments To Resolve Leg Swelling

Varicose vein disease of the legs frequently leads to symptoms of leg, ankle, or foot swelling. The reason that varicose veins are associated with leg swelling is that people with varicose veins usually have an underlying circulation problem. The underlying circulation disorder is referred to as venous reflux disease.

Venous reflux disease usually affects the saphenous veins in the legs, which are veins located deeper in the leg just beneath the visible varicose veins. These diseased saphenous veins often cause fluid to accumulate in the legs due to improper and inefficient blood circulation. Due to gravity flow, the edema fluid leads to swelling that is most pronounced in the lower legs and ankles. Leg vein treatments are successful in resolving this circulatory problem and restoring leg vein circulation to normal. Venous reflux disease can usually be treated and cured with a 30-minute procedure in our office. After the treatments are completed the leg swelling typically improves and often resolves completely.

leg varicose vein treatment center

Vein Therapies To Resolve Leg Skin Disorders

Abnormal veins that are visible on your legs are an indication that your leg circulation is diseased. Diseased circulation results in poor blood flow and poor oxygen delivery to the tissues of your feet, ankles, and legs. So poor venous circulation often results in skin disorders. Vein treatments will improve your leg circulation and allow skin health to improve.

Venous skin disorder can include stasis dermatitis, wounds, venous ulcers, and skin infections. Poor venous circulation can lead to redness of the skin, skin irritation, darkening pigmentation of the skin (that is often brown), and changes in the thickness and texture of the skin. Venous skin disorders are often recurrent, chronic, and progressive. The skin conditions that results will typically not improve until the vein circulation disorder and varicose veins are treated and have resolved.

Treatments to Address Venous Complications

Venous complications are  medical problems that result in someone seeking medical care from a medical clinic, hospital, or an urgent care center. These varicose vein complications include bleeding from varicose veins, venous ulcers of the skin, cellulitis skin infections of the legs, phlebitis, and blood clots. These more serious venous complications can all be effectively treated. But even more importantly, these complications are preventable if varicose veins are treated early, before they can lead to such complications.

If these complications do happen, the varicose vein condition needs to be treated and resolved. Otherwise, vein complications will tend to become recurrent and progressive.  Ourvein specialists are experts in treating these types of venous complications.

texas leg vein removal clinics

Why Choose Vein Treatment Center of Texas For Your Vein Treatments?

At the Vein Treatment Center of Texas, our team has been treating patients with vein disease for over 20 years. We are considered a Center of Excellence in the field of Vein Disease Management. Our medical director is a seasoned physician with over 24 years of experience. Our vascular ultrasound technician has been performing vein ultrasound exams for over 10 years and is certified as a Registered Vascular Technologist (RVT) by the ARDMS.

At the Vein Treatment Center of Texas we require our team members to have the highest level of vascular training and vein certifications available. We only utilize physicians that are board-certified in Vascular Surgery and have an additional certification in vein disease management by the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine. Our physician members are required to be certified as Registered Physicians in Vascular Interpretation (RPVI). Our lead member has performed and interpreted over 5000 vascular imaging studies. For the past 19 years, our Medical Director has been an active Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS) and is also a respected Fellow of the Society For Vascular Surgery (FSVS). This is the highest level of honorary that a Vein Specialist can achieve.

We are committed to provide the best vein care available and to maintain an exemplary rating by all assessment measures. We aspire to provide quality and compassionate care for every individual that walks through the doors of our facility. Our hope is for each patient to achieve their treatment goals through exceptional care.

To arrange a consultation with one of our vein specialists, please give us a call directly at (512) 220-5401 or send us a message via the online contact form.

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Patient Reviews

5-star rating

“Highly recommended! The Vein Treatment Center of Texas is the cleanest, most relaxing vein treatment center I have ever visited. Dr. Gotvald is extremely knowledgeable and a master of his craft. My varicose veins are gone and I feel young and beautiful again!”

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